
Showing posts from October, 2024


  A friend lent me a book. Theo of Golden. I had just begun reading it. It’s about an artist and people being seen. It led me to think about this friend I made on a pilgrimage in Israel. She is much older than me and darling. We are an unlikely pair, but our hearts are knit together. We were on buses, in gardens, on windy cliffs. I lit a candle in a monastery for her in Haifa, Israel after she fell ill. I photographed flowers for her. She is well now. She lends me books. Ingrid. As I thought about people that I pray for, I could see the depths hidden in their heart. I could see my friend Jenni breaking her alabaster jar in public spaces. She is writing a book. I pray for her fire to illuminate darkened rooms and hearts. I could see my brilliant, beautiful daughter not able to see how wonderful she is. I love her. She’s strumming her ukelele and talking to a cat. Hope looks so simple. Laomai. I could see myself sitting on deep things because they weren’t welcome in the market place. Lib

Pave Your Road

Are you wanting your brain to form new, healthy pathways already? You are on the way to your brave future and your brain wants to travel in a familiar rut. It’s quite a bit of work to help your brain know that it is safe to operate in a new way.  I’ve been paving a literal path in my back yard. It gives such a great visual because you can see that you aren’t just laying down stones and walking. There’s ground to break up, roots to pull out, and a new sand base to be laid. I’ve had to chisel and break pavers to fit the path. There is a process of creating stability that involves repeated removing and replacing of stones.  We do this in our healing journey. Sometimes, the removing can feel as though our chest is on fire. The great and beautiful news is that we do not do this alone. God puts a fire in our bones that makes us long for healing. Reading scripture gives us strength, stamina, and comfort for the long days of work. We can rest in God’s presence along the way. Simply start with

Gather Your Seeds

 The end of a flowering, flourishing season can feel sad. If you look closely you will see the next steps for your life. The earth literally cracks open with seeds. You have hope in your hand. From here, you dream of new things. You decide what you want to grow and where. You are given a gift to grow the life you love. As the ground is dormant and our lives are dormant, we can dream of and prepare for spring. What will you be growing? Book an appointment to plan the next season of your life.  

Welcome, October!

🍁 It is October 1st! Let’s commit our month to Jesus.  Jesus, thank you for autumn and the invitation to savor colors and flavors and company. We commit this October to You. Lead us to act in wisdom and kindness to those in our path. Give us the humility to follow where you lead and to receive what you generously give. Show us what you want for our October. May we sow beauty for your Namesake. Amen. Let’s create a life you love. Book a session at