Spreading Joy: A Homeless Tale at Christmas

A few nights ago, I was walking along the San Antonio Riverwalk and came across several homeless people with their blankets laid out on benches. I often feel like my heart is going to come clear out of my chest when I see people sleeping on the streets. I’m sure it’s a mixed bag for them down there. The people make them feel safe and I’m sure they equally want us to go home so that they can go to sleep. 

People coming together as a community gets to me. People making a sacrifice for the common good is a powerful beacon of hope. It made me cry in Frozen 2. It made me cry on the San Antonio Riverwalk. Twice I saw restaurants feeding the homeless. When we were walking by a pizzeria, one of the employees called out to a homeless man by name and said he had his food waiting. He put his arm around him and walked him to the counter. 

The reason I was with my two friends on the Riverwalk was another story all together. My friend Kenny in his early 40s and has cataracts so bad that he cannot see to read, drive, or work. Dr. Mike Tschoepe has graciously donated surgery for Kenny who was sitting around waiting to go completely blind. He had lost all hope. Mindy, our volunteer coordinator, has donated her time to bring Kenny to at least 6 appointments. That’s six hours of driving and overnight stays here at our mission house.

 It’s beautiful to me. I see the community rising up to meet needs. The amazing part is seeing the givers effected and changed as much as the receivers. Standing near the broken hearted as God binds up their wounds seems to have a spillover effect. My wounds are being bound up too. 

I want to invite you into my community. Be a part of us. Receive the spillover. Follow our non-profit story at The Boho Table (thebohotable.org)

Help us throw a Christmas Party for our Homeless Small Group:

Read a little thing I wrote about joy:

Thank y’all. You build up my confidence in humanity and the powerful work of God in all of our lives.


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