Jesus in Me by Anne Graham Lotz
Jesus in Me: Experiencing the Holy Spirit as a Constant Companion by Anne Graham Lotz
My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I remember the first time I heard Anne speak over a decade ago. As she was talking, I had this palpable overwhelming sense of the peace of God. I loved her clear and powerful way of conveying the rich love of God. This book is much the same. I could curl up in it. I have read and reread portions to simply feel the beauty of the character of the Holy Spirit. Reading his names and attributes have brought calm, joy, and resolve to my spirit.
In the last few years, Anne has lost her father, her husband, and gone through breast cancer. This book is her journey to experiencing the Holy Spirit as a constant companion. Her personal, vulnerable stories touch the heart. Seeing that Billy Graham's daughter is traversing difficult paths helps me to see that I am not alone on this journey of life.
When I opened the book, I stared at the dedication page for quite some time. It wasn't a big long list of thanks to those who helped her like most books. It simply said, "to the lonely." That got to me. Even when we are surrounded by people, we often feel lonely in our problems, perceived defects, and trauma. Anne had experienced it herself and is sharing how God himself became her best friend. We always get farther when we walk with others than when we walk alone. I know this book will speak deeply to you. I hope you read it.
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My rating: 5 of 5 stars
I remember the first time I heard Anne speak over a decade ago. As she was talking, I had this palpable overwhelming sense of the peace of God. I loved her clear and powerful way of conveying the rich love of God. This book is much the same. I could curl up in it. I have read and reread portions to simply feel the beauty of the character of the Holy Spirit. Reading his names and attributes have brought calm, joy, and resolve to my spirit.
In the last few years, Anne has lost her father, her husband, and gone through breast cancer. This book is her journey to experiencing the Holy Spirit as a constant companion. Her personal, vulnerable stories touch the heart. Seeing that Billy Graham's daughter is traversing difficult paths helps me to see that I am not alone on this journey of life.
When I opened the book, I stared at the dedication page for quite some time. It wasn't a big long list of thanks to those who helped her like most books. It simply said, "to the lonely." That got to me. Even when we are surrounded by people, we often feel lonely in our problems, perceived defects, and trauma. Anne had experienced it herself and is sharing how God himself became her best friend. We always get farther when we walk with others than when we walk alone. I know this book will speak deeply to you. I hope you read it.
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