Here's Your Peg Leg.
A few months ago, my friend Christy was in Haiti working at the orphanage she oversees and I saw this post come across my news feed for a conference on mentoring, reconciliation, and race relations. I felt that gentle nudge of the Holy Spirit to take her. Before she was even wheels on the ground back here in the states, I had purchased our tickets.
I do not think either one of us knew how weary we were until we got there. Attacks come when you are serving, of course, but sometimes you just get deep in the bone kind of weary. Loving addicts, missionaries, ministers, and orphans is hard work. We were left craving to be washed in the gospel love of Jesus Christ. It just was not happening.
As we stepped into the conference, we honestly did not know what to expect. It changed our trajectory. It set us back on the road of hope. Every single speaker preached the gospel to our threadbare souls and encouraged us to get back in the game.
We are not these high profile people. We are the people working recon in the underbelly. We were the statistics these people were trying to mentor and somehow God redeemed our lives. I kept thinking of being abused as a little girl and as these people spoke, I realized that they were reaching out and fighting for hundreds of people just like me...just like the people we are reaching out to now. Thank you all for speaking deeply into our hearts.
Recently having been hurt preaching the gospel, I had gone in feeling like a warrior on the side of a battlefield not knowing what to do. When Bob was talking about taking the witch doctors off the zip line, I felt like God threw me a peg leg and told me to get back in there.
A photo posted by Stephanie Cherry (@stephaniecherryartist) on
A photo posted by Stephanie Cherry (@stephaniecherryartist) on
Espwa:Haitian Creole for Hope.
More to come.