Henry Hodges Needs a Friend by Andy Andrews

I just adored Andy Andrews last book, The Boy Who Changed The World. Of course, that could be due to the fact that I am a huge fan of George Washington Carver. It was truly inspiring and wonderful. It showed us how simple acts of kindness can alter the course of a life. 

This book follows along that vein. It shows us how tenderness and kindness shown towards our children can effect them. Sweet Henry needed a friend. He could have gone on as a lonely child, but his parents saw his need. They took the opportunity to remind him of how special he is and give him a companion. 

We all struggle with fitting in. It's nice to be seen as special instead of singled out as odd. How can you encourage your children today?

The book is precious. It received a thumbs up from the Cherry girls. We even gave one a way to a friend. 
This book was graciously provided by Thomas Nelson Publishers for review.

Andy has written some great books for adults too!


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