Our Women's Retreat

This past weekend, I was given the honor of taking a little bit of Gomer to the ladies at my church and a few handfuls of our friends. I cherished the opportunity to pray over these women. On Friday night we had great worship and a beautiful message from the Rev. Dr. Chris Richardson from Titus 3:2.
I have been praying this verse over myself and these ladies and Chris for an entire year. I have written it in my journal and thought about it every day. How can we show this full humility to everyone around us... in our home, our work place, our extended family? How can I love and respect in such a way that it builds people up in character and grace? The sermon was beautiful in every way. That worship, y'all. My bffs delivered! I have buckets of love for these people and I am deeply grateful for their hard work. Running a retreat is easy when you have an amazing team. 

My dear friend Gwynne helped me decorate. We met at the ladies retreat a few years ago and so every year we proclaim it our anniversary. She's amazing, y'all. Of course, nothing ever goes as planned, but I sometimes think it works out better that way. I was in full submission to the Holy Spirit. I heard so many beautiful stories of what the Lord did in the hearts of hurting people. That is all that is important. Jesus was felt in the hearts of the ladies.
We had an awesome time painting. Our brunch was gorgeous. That oatmeal cookie granola knocked my socks off. Nancy, our 80 year old matriarch of all things food and her helpers did amazing. I am so thankful for them.
We hung our hearts on this old window. We wrote things we were thankful for and things we were petitioning God for. On Saturday morning, my friend Anne spoke to us about her prayer journey and blessed the ladies by giving them hope. She reminded us that God is with us even in our deep despair and seeming failures. He uses it all to change us. 

We were challenged to reach out and form beautiful relationships. It it the Father heart that we love our brothers and sisters. Reach out to someone today.


Shelia Louise said…
We are so blessed to call you family. shelia

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