Trinity Lutheran in the House

Last week, the girls and I stayed home while Denbigh was leading worship at camp. We spent Monday and Tuesday cleaning and preparing for our guests. I even took the girls to Walmart by myself to get some things for our week. During our cleaning and preparing, we noticed a leak in the bathroom. Since my hubby wasn't home, our dear friend Lance came out and fixed it. He also did some reworking of pipe and installing hardware for us. The girls and I hung out in the bathroom and learned some plumbing. Thank you, Lance. You are our hero.

Wednesday, our work group arrived from Trinity Lutheran in Clifton. You can click through all of the pictures and see what they accomplished. I so enjoy having our home and yard used as a place of worship. The only thing missing was Denbigh.

As you can see, the girls (and guys) loved on our sweet girls. Lulu was even allowed to do some night jumping on the trampoline with the teenagers. She thought that was the coolest (in her words).
The guys came to put in a fire pit. It was somewhat of a comedy watching these guys build this. You would have thought they were digging to Tokyo, but it was a mere few inches.
We also had a crew on the floor in the music room. They almost finished filling in the cracks. They also did some sanding. I love the dips and dings in the floor that give it character, but I am all about filling in those cracks. There are those who would convert me to leave the cracks, but if you could see the wake of goldfish crackers in my house from their visit, you would see why I wouldn't want a place for food to hide.

I was able to get a coat of stain on the end of this built in.

I love how this turned out. They stacked and mortared the bricks. (I will go back and add an additional bit.) The bricks are century old and they were just laying about in our yard. 
If y'all remember back to when Stephen built the table for our dining room, we christened it at our first meal by singing the Doxology. That is a most precious memory to me. This crew had a full blown liturgical worship service in our yard. It was beautiful (and awkward with teenagers). They said the Apostle's Creed, the Our Father prayer, had Old and New Testament readings, sang hymns, and closed with a benediction. What a great memory.
My friend Mindy is from the little town where my parents' ranch is located. It is precious to my heart that she is investing in these kids the way that she is. My growing up years were extremely difficult and it blesses my heart to see her doing this.
So, I just had to post these. Of course, there was a huge mess left in the wake of the group leaving and there were things left all over the place. It's okay. We expect it. I just had to post these pics of an interception I made when our girls found mascara and an ink pen that were left on the floor of their room. I came upon Yaya doing her lashes and Chacha eating a pen.

On Friday, I delivered an old window I had converted to a frame for the Banta family photo. I have been helping to redo the Banta house. It has been buckets of creative fun. After that I went to see my dear friend and mother of four who recently found out she is pregnant with triplets. Say a prayer for my dear friend.

My mama and her hubby came in Friday night. The house was still a mess, but I did manage to get the sheets on their bed washed. This concludes my update of Gomer. Chat with y'all tomorrow.


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