A Little Update

I have a tiny window when I can blog in the afternoon and I missed that on Thursday. We had to switch pools and wait for the waterpark to reopen because of AFR. That is an official Red Cross term for when a kid goes number two in the pool. I think I am going to send it to my husband every time my tub pooper decides to have an Accidental Fecal Release. Hashtag AFR. This has actually never happened here before. With thousands of kids, that's pretty amazing. 

My man is currently driving home with Lulu to be there to lead our parish in worship in the morning. Yaya and Chacha are here with me in the lodge at Carolina Creek. Since the campers are going home today, the staff gets a special lunch of filet mignon. Bless the Lord. 

I decided to stay here since I will be driving to Waco tomorrow to be with my step mom when she has some kidney stones removed. She is going to need several surgeries because she has many stones in both kidneys. One of them is a fourth the size of her kidney. If they don't get it our soon, she could lose her kidney. My sweet daddy is losing his short term memory and gets turned around in the hospital. I'm going to keep an eye on him as well. 

On Thursday, we had sweet friends come and play. We were able to get into the watermark finally and Friday, they went out on the boats (with my Lulu).
This week I was also blessed to create some art for Galveston Urban Ministries.
I also showcased a few recipes on the blog for Garlic Salt and Prosciutto Grilled Cheese in case you missed them. Please keep praying for the camp and the staff. The girls and I have been out prayer walking and lauding the Lord Jesus Christ in song. Please pray for us all.


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