What Day Is It?

It has been a crazy last six weeks. My husband was constantly on the road, then he was seriously ill, and then it was time to pack up our family for 9 weeks on the road. Now, here we are, in the middle of a crazy camp atmosphere with hundreds of screaming staff members around everywhere. What day is it? Have you seen my sanity? We are settling in to serve here and trying to navigate going to the doctor for the baby and trying to piece together a bit of normal here and there. 

Things are really excited and moving full force around here. The camp we are at is finishing up it's third camp on this property. "The Wild" is a huge waterpark for little kids. There is a water park designed by Disney World, a life-size ark, and many other amazing things for little kids to do. Next week, I will try to get you some pictures. 

It is fun to come here. There is so much to do and the girls love it. It can be taxing because the activity and interaction is non-stop. The blessing is getting to serve and counsel the people that work here as well as leading worship. The spiritual battle is intense, as you can imagine. Can you imagine the battle that goes on where thousands of people have come to know Christ? If you get a chance, please say a little prayer for us. Say a little prayer for the hundreds of people here pouring themselves out to minister to the broken of this world. 


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