Night of the Living Dead Christian by Matt Mikalatos
Many people have said that Matt Mikalatos' writing is Monty Python meets CS Lewis. I would definitely have to agree. Perhaps you could throw in the Mystery Machine. This book is hilarious.
There is a werewolf named Luther Martin, a mad scientist, a robot, some zombies, a preacher, a vampire, and a monster killer. The tale is a mad dash to find a cure for the werewolf, save some half zombies from a cult leader, and learn the power of forgiveness. I laughed and laughed my way through the book. The funny part was that I identified with it most of the time. I have felt like a werewolf or a mad scientist trying to fix the world.
The amazing thing is that the story is true. Matt Mikalatos brilliantly crafted an imaginary tale around real life events. Luther was truly a monster because he had beaten his wife. We see zombies from a church that is all about their pastor and their rules trying get Luther all better by getting him to believe some things taught by their cult leader. It is so witty and funny that it catches you off guard and you slowly begin to see yourself erode and realize that you too might need a cure. A great read. It's a book that makes you want to read his other books. If you need a laugh, I highly recommend it.
This book was graciously provided by Tyndale Publishers for review.
Thanks so much for the great review and I'm so pleased that you enjoyed the book! I appreciate you taking the time to talk about it and share it with others!