Gomer: The Epic Heat Gun

We had a lovely college student from the University of Texas here on Monday and Tuesday. She stripped paint in our foyer for two solid days. I thought I might show you a mini movie of using the heat gun. It is one of my favorite things to do because there is an immediate result and it is quite dramatic. In case you don't think that there is something that you can do here, look how easy this is. Come hang out and volunteer here. I'll have my man grill you up a steak for your efforts. 

Here is the spiritual application for you: Everyone who comes here knows that our goal is restoration and we apply the work of this house to how God is working on us. Applying heat generally has a molting effect on us, just like the wood here. In every crack and around each piece of moulding, tedious work ensues to assure that all of the old is gone. God is graciously and tenderly scraping out all the piled up debris of our lives and leaving it ready for new life.

Next week we have a group of college students from the University of Nebraska converging on our house. We are abundantly excited that the Lord is bringing them to our door. If you want to help out with a meal or snacks here next week, it would be a huge blessing to us. We are so grateful to all of you who help out here. From toilet paper to thousands of dollars, you are a gift to us. Thank you.

Spring is upon us here at Gomer's House. There is just something about Spring, isn't there. Digging out the dead life left from winter falling heavy on the flower beds. Down under all that death are buds and emergent life. We get to plant new things and enjoy a bounty of blooms. A new thing has come. Spring has come to our spirit and we are renewed. Thank God for the reflections of His work in nature.


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