Gomer: Books and Bookshelves

My husband took our daughter to Wisconsin yesterday to visit his (maternal) grandparents.  This pregnant momma is staying here. Now, I am having trouble being away from my family and I don't exactly know what to do with myself. Today, I got a mani/pedi, realized I lost my debit card and will have to go to the bank tomorrow, and made chicken salad and pasta salad for the ladies at my mom's spa.   It's weird being alone, but I am trying to make the most of it. I'm reading. Go figure. I am taking pictures. As soon as I get a new debit card, I'm going to buy some canvas and paint. I do miss my family. a ton.

I have been making a list of things that I did with my dad growing up that were meaningful to me. It wasn't theme parks or big trips. It was intimate times. The lake, playing in the yard, and building things. We built a doll house and then we built model cars to park at it. I have been encouraging my husband to spend time building things with Laomai. She loves it. Her eyes just light up when Daddy tells her "good job." I love that. I sit off to the side like any pregnant woman would and I tear up. 

Recently, they built a bookshelf to hold the books they read at bed time. She loves bringing people into her room and telling them how she and her daddy built this bookcase and how they read "all" the books on it. 

Build something.


maggie may said…
i am trying to make sure we're spending meaningful time together as well. it's easy to spend time together doing nothing and not know anything more about each other.

my most favorite part is doing discipleship with the kids. and watching the hubs wrestling with them on the floor, making them laugh.

aren't our families wonderful?
Steph Cherry said…
I love you, MV. I love all these babies that you are adopting and how you are so fabulous.

Discipleship is so fun...especially when they repeat things back to you exactly when you need to hear them.

I know you are giving your boys a very meaningful life!

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