Talk to me, Abba.

I created this day for you. Look at what I have done. The brilliance of it is a gift. Slowly drink it in. Engage is the beauty and the grace this moment offers you. Listen. I want to be with you and hold you. I want to share the splendor and divinity that are locked in each second. Don't miss it. Don't miss Me. I am the Rose of Sharon. With great delicacy I have begun to unfold Myself before you. Remove the distractions of this life. Bring the cup to your mouth. Drink. Indulge. Feel the warmth of the sun on your face. Look up to see the canvas I have laid out before you. The glow of morning was made for you. Every hue was hand painted to delight you. Take delight, dear one. Rest in the colors of my love. Breathe. Like a child emerging from it's mother, let the air fill your lungs. Scream. Feel. Live. This is not a life I designed for you to live by rote. I have created a unique sensory experience for you. 
Awaken your senses. Come awake.

"Arise, shine, for your light has come, 
and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. 
See, darkness covers the earth
and thick darkness is over the peoples,
but the Lord rises upon you
and his glory appears over you."
-Isaiah 60:1-2

For more info on this segment, see this post.


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