Blind Hope by Kim Meeder

Blind Hope is the story of Laurie, a woman who adopts an ugly, diseased, mistreated dog. As she learns to care for and offer healing to Mia, she discovers how God has been doing the same for her and she was refusing His care.

I was not sure I was going to like this book, but it ended up speaking to me very deeply. It is amazing how seeing things in the most simple of forms can open our eyes to our own areas where we need to be more trusting. Laurie was such a picture of Christ in this true story. She was the only one who truly cared and offered healing. The dog would still try to go her own way and find her own path, even as she went blind. I love the picture of Mia fully resting at Laurie's feet as she learned to trust her.

"My dog has taught me that it is indeed doable to know someone you can't see with your eyes." -Laurie

Laurie and Mia live and love at

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susan said…
I think God is telling me that I have been running from Him. This is the 2nd time in almost 2 days that I've heard someone talk about running from God, the 1st being from Afshin Zarifat yesterday at church. I have to read this book. Where do I get it? I can Google it I'm sure. xoxo
Steph Cherry said…
Hi Susan,

I am grateful to hear that the Lord is speaking to you and drawing you back to Himself. I pray that you are able to rest with Him and enjoy Him.
Warren Baldwin said…
Sounds like a very good book. I'd like to read it!

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