La Cucaracha - is dead

I had a funny event happen to me while sitting in church on Sunday. Let me preface all of this by telling you that God has been teaching me about false prophets. He has shown me that their divisive acts tear apart churches and bring death. . .

I am sitting in the back of church with my husband and two of the other men in the band. I see a roach start moving across the floor in front of us. As I was watching it, I heard God start speaking to me about this roach. Weird. "This is a physical reality representing a spiritual problem. Roaches carry death. For every one you see out in the open, there are a thousand in the walls. Do you know how many roaches one roach can hatch per year? Kill the roach."

Seriously? Lord? Kill the roach?

"Kill the roach." So, I stood up and slipped off my stiletto and I smashed it. . . in the middle of the sermon.

I laughed and I asked God why He didn't tell one of the three guys next to me to kill the roach and I swear I heard Him laugh! I read that one roach can have upwards of 3,500 babies a year. I am completely uncomfortable with the thought of church being infested...but I think it is more common that we would like to believe.

I told my husband about my conversation with the Lord and he thought it was really funny. He said that He loved the weird stuff that God had me do. My hope is that somehow my tiny act of faith in the physical world had some ramification in the spiritual one. What weird thing has God had you do?



I love you sweet faithful lady! I find myself continually helping retail workers. At first I chalked it up to old habits die hard, but then I realized this is how He has me serve those who need to experience a faithful heart. A small act of obedience to an unyielding world. I think that is a little odd, but who am I to argue. :)
That is so funny! It is ministering to know how God can be our everything and we can truly experience every emotion with our fellowship with him!
That is so funny! It is ministering to know how God can be our everything and we can truly experience every emotion with our fellowship with him!
Stephanie said…
ohhhhhhhhh...that would have been a hard one for me to obey...I think I may have delegated that one to one of the men. *shiver*

This is sad...but so true. Our churches are full of sin, and we need to "stamp" it out!!
Anne Smith said…
i'm weeding the hell out of my yard, literally.
Steph Cherry said…
You ladies are making me laugh! I love it!! Thank you for reading my kooky story.
maggie may said…
i absolutely feel yah on doing weird things for Jesus. the more direct contact i have with Him, the more interesting my life becomes. ;)roaches included.

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