Just Give Me Jesus

I hadn't seen my husband in four days. We reunited at Pluckers after I drove from Waco and he drove from Bible Study Fellowship. There is one thing the Cherry family always incorporates into fellowship and celebration . . . spicy food!

Denbigh led worship for a Christian school in Houston over the weekend. A special retreat was pulled together due to the loss of a student. A safe place was created for them to grieve and to celebrate. Denbigh had the privilege of visiting with this family. He was amazed at the joy that the parents had and the trust they had in Jesus after losing their daughter. The father told Denbigh, "hug your children all of the time."

About eight years ago, I stumbled across a book and I knew the Holy Spirit was telling me to read it. That book was My Heart's Cry by Anne Graham Lotz. I fell into the pages and devoured her words. I saw that she did revivals across the country. They were never anywhere close to me, but I kept praying to be able to go. Not only did the Lord allow me to go, He brought her to my door step. You might call it coincidence, but I call it romance.

I must tell you, I loved this weekend. I fell shamelessly in love with the musical styling of Fernado Ortega. This is one of the most amazing corporate times with the Lord I have ever had. You really have to experience it to understand. None of the weekend was personality or charisma driven like most conferences are. There was this calm power coming from each of the people leading the weekend. Jesus. We were led in a prayer work shop by Jill Briscoe. I was challenged immensely by her. I feel like my love for Christ was put to death on the altar and then given new life. I took pages and pages of notes that I will sort through to share with you soon. I am thankful for revival tonight. I am thankful for my husband.
I hug my daughter every chance I get.

"You don't need to go to church every time the door opens or fulfill the rituals of your religion. You just need to go to the cross." - Anne Graham Lotz

"The Holy Spirit did not come to do His deepest work in the shallowest part of you."
-Jill Briscoe


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