Terrible Ideas

There is a part in Under the Tuscan Sun when Katherine sees Frances looking at a villa for sale on a bulletin board.
Katherine: "It's a nice little villa. Are you going to buy it?"
Frances: "The way my life is going that would be a terrible idea."
Katherine: "Terrible ideas. Don't you just love those."
The bus gets stuck in front of the villa because of a herd of sheep. She hops off and goes in. The lady refuses to sell to her until a bird poops on her head. It's a sign from God.
The rest is history.
I feel like that. Nothing could have made me choose this journey on my own. A lot of days I feel like a bird pooped on my head. I am beginning to consider it a special anointing. As I look around, I am amazed at what God did while I wasn't looking. I am overwhelmed by the time and commitment people have given to serve here. Terrible ideas.
How often do the things of God not look the most appealing. How often we settle for the shore of fun oriented Jesus and we miss the thrill and trust the deep water requires.
"Put out into deep water..." - Luke 5:4
You must leave the shore of all that is comfortable.
Put out into deep water.
Have any terrible ideas? I'm game.