I Am Third
This Blog is updated each Tuesday.
I have been feeling nostalgic of late. This is evidenced by my random smattering of old pictures contained in this week's blog. God has really been reminding me of where He brought me from. Sometimes, I wonder how I am alive. Thank God for His amazing grace.
As I perused old photos I found myself thankful to God for each season of life and how He leads us onward. Our first step is to find out that we put God before ourselves. I become second. I think it can be a pitfall to remain there. We keep seeking who we are in Christ and wanting Him to constantly affirm who we are. I do believe, however, that He has another step for us to take.
I Am Third is a memoir written about Gale Sayers, one of the greatest running backs in NFL history. His story is about a teammate he had on the Chicago Bears that died of cancer. His credo is, "The Lord is first, others are second, and I am third." I am third.
God is opening my eyes to others needs more and more. I don't want to play church. I want to live it. I want that wild abandon that is going further than I have ever dared let myself go. I want to minister to people I am afraid of. I believe I am about to get my chance.
Where are you in all of this? Are you planning Jesus parties or are you willing to do the things that make you uncomfortable? Will you be inconvenienced for Jesus? Are you willing to forgo your own desire for your needs to be met? Your beauty to be seen? Your worth to be known?
Isaiah 58 says that if you pour out what you have to meet your own needs on others that He will meet your needs. Are you willing to let Him? Are you willing to walk away from this event oriented tea party Jesus and step out into the Holy Wild?

Denbigh Cherry sans the hair.

Denbigh displaying his roots.

Cooking Laomai.

My Dad and Babs

Cherry Wedding Day

My "baptism." Thank you Lord, for telling us in your word that infant baptism does not save us.

Denbigh is on the right (with his brother Brice).

Denbigh's maternal grandpa.
Why do people take their own picture!? We always look goofy. Believe me, we are much better looking in real life. ;O) Christine, Me, and Tanya
Grand Babe and Laomai swinging