
Showing posts from February, 2020

Y’all. Read Get Out of Your Head by Jennie Allen

I feel like I walked this journey right along with Jennie. The enemy loves to pound the inside of my head until I can’t think straight anymore. I wasn’t sure that this was going to be a book I could enjoy. I wonder every time I pick up a Christian book if it is going to be full of nice Christian words or if it is going to tell me how to trust Jesus to fight back hell for me. I much prefer to be trained for warfare.  This book did not disappoint. I don’t want to cause any spoilers, but Jennie was up to her eyeballs in demonic oppression and could not see it. Her rescue came in the form of community and the book of Philippians. Read it. This is a book for all of us who hear those negative voices in our heads. There is a plan in place for our deliverance and redemption.  She quotes one of my top ten favorite books quite a bit. Humility by Andrew Murray. I fell in love with it about 14 years ago. I can still tell you where I was when I read the forward. It was deeply convic...

I read Isaiah’s Legacy by Mesu Andrews

Isaiah's Legacy by Mesu Andrews My rating: 4 of 5 stars The story of Manasseh has always gotten to me. How could a man raised in Hezekiah's household and tutored by the prophet Isaiah turn so far into evil? Reading this made think of the ways the enemy has turned my own head as well as the heads of those I loved. We live in a day of sacrificing babies, a culture bent of worshipping sexuality and self. It seems shocking to read it in the context of the Old Testament kings, but we are also living it. I really enjoyed this book as a whole. I had a hard time getting into it because of what seemed like an overuse of cutesy nicknames to me. It made the gravity of the telling seem less. About halfway through I was able to begin ignoring it and get into the story. There are gaps filled in and historical narrative that fills in blanks for you. Some, of course, is made up for the sake of story. It gives you a whole picture of the events that unfolded and led to Manasseh turning awa...