The Life Giving Leader by Tyler Reagin

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This is one of those books that makes you pause and think about the type of person you want to be as well as what is needed from a leader. So often, we see churches being run like businesses. They plow people down to get where they want to go and then blame those other people for the issue. This book challenges that whole mentality. Tyler reminds us that we aren’t here to build our church. We are here to serve and build up people. One of the great goals of leadership is humility. Vulnerability with others is where true connection and life change occurs. I enjoyed reading this and was moved by several ideas in the book. I passed it on to my 11 year old who has tremendous leadership qualities that need to be used for God’s glory. She got a lot out of it and it has opened up some great dialogue for us.
With all of that said, there were a few points of the book that seemed like they needed a good edit. The thoughts were a little scattered. One reviewer I read said that the book gave no real steps to achieving these leadership goals. I could see that. For me, as I read, I made the words a prayer. There were some practical points about humility, vulnerability, and building others up. All in all, it’s a helpful and needed book.
Tyler is the president of Catalyst. I can see how his extroverted style would be a great asset there!
*I loved seeing that Tyler was in the youth group of our favorite Archbishop, Foley Beach.
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**This book was graciously given by Waterbrook Multnomah Publishers for review.