I read Uninvited by Lysa Terkeurst

I have said before that I have come to believe that the church is a psychiatric hospital. We are often shocked to find out (via wounding) that the patients are running the place. Over and over we are struck and hurt and left writhing in pain. It takes us by surprise because we are in shock that these Christians could sin against us. The wound is much deeper than if we were hurt in an office job. We were there working for, serving, and trusting the Lord. That is why this book is so necessary. I think we all just avoid or sweep things under the rug. Or we blow up or run off. No one is standing there like a sidewalk prophet reminding us to preach the gospel into the deepest, darkest pits of our hurts. This is what Lysa has done for us. She has reminded our hearts to heal, lavish love and grace, and never give up on setting the gospel in the hearts of our abuser (with wisdom and precaution). The words of scripture lavish the heart with hope and healing. The entire book reminds ...