Reconnaissance Prayers For Me

Here we are. This is the twelfth year I have followed Denbigh Cherry around as he leads worship. We are a people always together. Family. For about five or six months every year, we walk out of our day to day lives and link hearts with people who are desperate to share the gospel. They are beautiful people. Of course, there is a messiness and brokeness to all of the saints of God. That mess reminds our heart to lean breathlessly into Christ. Our mess preaches the gospel to us. We need Him.

As we have traveled and partnered, we have seen some tabloidesque things happen within the people of God. We have been wounded. We have seen the pain driven in. We have had to share some terrible things with the beloved. Through these years of being behind the scenes and watching these people who are hurting serve, I started praying some specific things. I thought I would ask you to pray them with me. 

I pray Isaiah 61. Of course to bind up the broken hearted and to rebuild the ruined cities..the places in people long devastated. That is one of my favorite verses in Isaiah 61. I have seen it come to pass in my family. Generations of hurt healed and beautiful. May Jesus restore the places long devastated.

I pray Psalm 34:18. It tells us that the Lord is close to the broken hearted. My prayer is to be there with him. I want to notice and come along side. Let me be close to the broken hearted. May I see through their masks and the Christian charade to the pain and bring love.

I pray to be like the bird that fed Elijah when he could go no further. Jesus, let me deliver the sustenance.

I keep Romans 2:4 on repeat in my head all day long. It reminds us that it is God's kindness that leads us to repentance. I should echo that. It is refusing to react to people behaving badly. It is resisting to judge others moral imperfections or depth. To me, Romans two four meets people, all people (especially the ones who refuse others grace) right where they are. It sees through the action to the pain and binds it up with grace.

Let me be a woman who builds up and lavishes love on her husband as he leads thousands of people in worship. Worship is such a healing battleground. Pray for him and for our band. Pray for my girls and we adjust to life here. 

I pray to be a woman of prayer that is wide awake to the spiritual world around me. Pray that I will rise early and pray over this property and for these people. 

During the next few months, we will have an amazing opportunity to minister to hundreds of the staff here. They have been recruited from all over the nation. I am personally looking for those that are burnt out, hurting, broken, and ready to give up. We want to bring Gomer's House to them. We are running a search and rescue operation for wounded saints. We are looking for refugees. May we pass into enemy territory with the gospel of hope in Jesus Christ. To God be the glory for the things he hath done.
Thank you, sweet friends. You are a gift.


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