Freefall to Fly by Rebekah Lyons

You know, I look forward to each book I crack open. It is like getting to peer into the beauty, the glory, the pain of who the author is. Such as in life, our experiences with people and their stories change us. Sometimes, we learn from the author's mistakes. On occasion, we may be led astray. Hopefully, we are made more fully alive by entering into the written relationship. Books change us.

I have never read anything that Rebekah has written and I didn't know exactly what to expect from her. So much of our Christian bookstores are lined with embarrassingly shallow tales of self-pity. I was delighted to see that this was not one of them. This is a memoir of a truly difficult time. I was honestly surprised and encouraged by how much candor Rebekah shared with us. She laced her lines with the truth about her fears of mental illness, dealing with a special needs child, and feeling wholly lost in New York.

This journey towards life and meaning was not lost on me. It seems that much of what I have been reading lately has been centered on this topic. Our author takes us through a series of creative exercises to help bring to the surface our latent creative gifts. It truly made me feel more alive to go through them. Her work and thoughtfulness are refreshing.

This book was graciously provided by Tyndale Publishing for review.


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