In My Father's House by Corrie ten Boom

I came upon a few books belonging to my great-grandmother in my mom's closet. I had never met this woman and knew very little about her. It touched my heart to see the things she was reading. One book I came across was a fifty year old copy of Corrie ten Boom's "In My Father's House." I read it with great peace this week (even as it fell apart as I read it). I was overwhelmed and comforted by her simple, tender love of Jesus. It felt like a home I have never known. 

Like most everyone, I had read "The Hiding Place" in junior high and was profoundly impacted by it. What I realized in reading this book was that she and her family didn't just hide Jews. They had always done this. They always had people in their home telling them of the sweet love of Jesus. She shared the gospel with such compassion with everyone. Corrie loved on hundreds of girls in her community. She started clubs for them and made sure they all heard about the Father's love. God used her to prepare the hearts of so many that would die or barely survive concentration camps. They knew who would sustain them in trial. She also befriended and told many mentally handicap people of the love of Christ and led them to salvation. Her father was constantly assuring her that work was greatly esteemed by Jesus even if was not by man. 

"There is blessed money and cursed money. Trust the Lord. He owns the cattle on a thousand hills and He will take care of us." -Casper ten Boom

I have been deeply touched by her love and the grace she went to Jesus with. She knew nothing could be accomplished with out God. What beauty. I told my husband I wished I could sit under her tuttalage for a year or so. Then I discovered that she had written dozens of books. Perhaps, I could spend a year with her in her literature. That is what I am going to attempt to do. Spend a year learning what true grace and hospitality looks like in a generation where we do not have this example. 
"There is no pit so deep that God's love is not deeper still."
-Betsie ten Boom, right before she died in Ravensbrook prison
