Gomer Gets A Lift.
Stephen left home at 6 a.m. on Saturday morning to drive to Gomer and work all day. He then turned around and drove four hours home. That's eight hours on the road and seven hours working at out house. His sacrifice and care was, and always is a huge encouragement to us as we slowly work along.
Today is bead board on the ceiling day. They have to start in the middle of the ceiling with the first sheet and work their way out. This maintains the symmetry in the room since beams will go across the seams.

If the bead board could talk, friends. It would have some hilarious stories to tell.
Here a hole is cut for the light fixture.
Perhaps you are unaware of this, but men love power tools. My husband could easily have a bad day turn good with the use of a nail gun or a power saw. I think we should charge men to come use the power tools and bill them as therapy sessions.
You would have loved to have heard the banter between these three guys as the day went on. They applauded themselves and looked truly astonished when anything they tried to do worked. I'm not sure how I should feel about this, but they got the job done beautifully.
The broom steadies the board so it can be nailed in.
This is over the sink. The entire ceiling will be this lovely blue (Stillness). They painted this small section so the chandelier could be hung.
Here it is.
My dear friend Shelley showed up to help clean and put away things in the new cabinets. We also primed the top half of the picnic table. Who wants to come help prime the bottom half? We have three painting projects if anyone is interested. Bring a group. Bring a friend.
Stephen says he was trying to show Yasha how to smile for this picture. I don't know if I believe him, but I love his face. I don't think Yaya buys it either.
Here they are looking a bit more normal.
Can you believe how far we have come in the kitchen? We have seen the ugly side of life, for sure. I must say, it is such a joy to cook for and serve others from this kitchen and it isn't even done yet. Just a bit more to do. I am about halfway there in raising the money for the floor. Only $400 more to go. Then, it's on to glass, crown moulding, and appliances. I love watching it come together. Only God could have done this.
You know, I go back and forth between feeling completely fulfilled and a little bit lonely. I have come to realize that being here is the greatest thing that could have happened to me. Being wounded in church and losing my identity there has truly given me a new idea of what it is to find my identity in Christ. We solely find our provision in Christ. It is a tearing away, however. Flesh is torn away. Old needs and desires are torn down. People abandon us, but Christ never does. I am thankful to be on this journey of life, real life. I am learning how to love and not just do things in a group with a program. Raw emotion and care for others can be such a painful and life-altering thing. I am glad to not be the same.
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