Discovering Your Identity

Over the last few months, I have had some of the most wonderful quiet time in the morning. Generally, I walk a few miles, read my scripture (to read through the Bible in a year), do a marriage devotional, journable, do the staff Bible study and read. It has really been life changing for me in many ways. God used all of the different things I have been studying to truly solidify some things in my mind. I have truly been given a glimpse of who I am in Christ. I have gone from knowledge to knowing. I have come to grasp in a new and powerful way what it is to "put on Jesus Christ." I understand what it is to have my identity hidden in Him. Somehow, by God's grace I have learned to fully set aside self. 

There was truly a deep wrestling that occurred for me over the summer. I spent many nights awake on my face praying for the people who work here, for the kids who come here, and for my family. I wept and wept. Though I have done these things before, I have never wrestled like this for this amount of time. Through it all, God taught me how to genuinely love others without regard to myself. Even, and especially, my husband. It is incredibly difficult to love and not react emotionally to people. It is hard to be the better person and love regardless without thinking that you are the better person. But His grace is what enables us. His divine love enables those of us who are crippled in spirit to walk with great dignity. He enables us to love in realms we never thought we would experience. 

What if we all never spoke a harsh word about anyone ever again? What if we truly put on love and realized that we are here to give rebuke, love, care, and grace with the same love and patience that Christ has given to us? 

All that to say, I enjoyed Charles Stanley's Discovering Your Identity. Coupled with my Bible reading and the top secret marriage project I am doing, I truly discovered to a whole new depth who I am. May this be your experience, beloved. May you be clothed with the beauty of Christ. If He leads others to repentance through kindness, what makes us think we know a better way?


Rachelle said…
thanks for sharing...i may order the book...i just ordered Patina off of Amazon..I am looking forward to reading it :)

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