Gomer: Restore

Last week we had a day off, but we had to leave the building we stay in so that it could be fumigated. . As we were driving away my purse was sitting on the trunk awaiting my husband to put it in the trunk. He got distracted by small people and forgot. It fell off and he ran it over. No big deal. Oh wait, my camera was inside. I gave the camera to God and told Him he could break it if He wanted. I turned it on and rejoiced with thanks because it was not broken. This top picture is the first picture I took upon it's resurrection from the dead. 
Since we had to leave the building, we went into Huntsville and hit the antique stores and the mall. I found all these old Scrabble letters for sale and I bought some. You will see below. I thought this grouping of letters was so great. Doesn't it just make you crave the washing of God's Spirit.
Here are some other pics I took. This is the great room where we are staying. I know. You thought we were roughing it. Out these windows is a beautiful view of the lake.
The kitchen (and coffee bar) where I get to make treats for everyone.
The room is exquisite. I love the vaulted ceiling and the expanse of the area. 
Don't you want to come sit and have a chat with me?
Here are some letters I bought at the antique store. The lady tried to tell my husband that I could find a better "A." He told her that he thought it was my favorite. He was right. I love the age and discoloration. I'm sure that you will find this around our house somewhere. Let me know if you would be interested in a copy of this print.


Warren Baldwin said…
Looks like a great place to stay! And neat story. Glad the camera survived!

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