Gomer: On the Road Again

I thought you might like to see a few pictures of where we are at this summer. Denbigh is leading worship for three straight months almost every day. One of our goals is to be Gomer here. We make snacks and meals for the staff. We give encouragement, love, and counsel. It is a joy to serve the people who work here.
This is the view from our deck. We see cranes, turtles, blue birds, cardinals, fish jumping. The sun comes up from this direction as well. It is exquisite. I generally get up about 6 a.m. and get in a few hours of quiet time before my children are up and ready to go for the day. This is my view.
I got an ant bite for this photo. 
This is the back of the 12 suite adult lodge where we stay.

Fantastic spot to enjoy an evening in the south.
I took this picture one morning after my Bible study time. I love how the camera caught all of the unseen rainbows. It made me think of all that goes on around us that we do not have eyes to see.


Rachelle said…
I admire you guys for stepping out..You have jumped off the ledge of Christianity..you aren't sitting on the couch...you jumped off the ledge, so to speak..you are out there..doing what you are called to do...Please pray for me that Jesus will broaden my purpose..as it stands, I work. I work a LOT..student loans..but I know his purpose for me is greater than what I'm doing..Please pray that he'll show me how to fully step out..I pray for you and your husband and children..you are a blessing to me...an inspiration..God Bless you :)

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