Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
I was reading a post recently about revisiting your major spiritual markers and thanking God for what He did during that time. After I saw that, I kept coming across Experiencing God every where I would turn. I did this Bible study during a huge spiritual transition in my life. I cannot credit the study with that, but God definitely spoke to me through it. This led me to pick up a copy of the book and read it.
I must say, it touched me in a real and personal way again. It took me back to my transforming encounter I had with the person of the Holy Spirit ten years ago when I did the study. It realized that I have been missing studies of this nature. Most Bible studies I come across are meant to make us feel good and focus mostly on us. Experiencing God, focuses solely on God. It takes you to where He is working and invites you into the work. I must say it is a beautifully poetic work that reminds you of Christ and the work He is doing through us. Pick it up for the first time or revisit it again. It is by far one of the best studies I have participated in. The book is equally encouraging to us as we face this dark world and the challenges of a church culture that demands that we have a plan. Trust God's guiding.
Millions of copies have been sold worldwide.
Millions of copies have been sold worldwide.