Gomer: Baby and a Baby Grand

 Denbigh working on the ceiling in the nursery.
 These fabulous men used their brawn to help move Denbigh's baby grand piano to our home as we set out to start a small house church. We have amazingly had someone volunteering at our house almost every day. It has been a fruitful time of ministry and feeding our lovely neighbors. Come join us. We will make you something delicious to eat. Sunday is our first meeting at our house. See you at 5 p.m.

Support Gomer's House.


susan said…
YAY!! For the baby grand being home. I may just come all the way from North Austin to church at Gomer's on Sunday. Is it silly to drive so far????????
maggie may said…
how exciting is all this???!!!
how amazing to watch this all come together.

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