Love & War by John and Stasi Eldredge

John and Stasi Eldredge have come together to write a book about the epic adventure of marriage. We are led on a guided journey into the heart of our spouse and encouraged to fight for them in the places it is hardest to do so.
I really enjoyed reading this book. It made me want to be a better wife to my husband. The words poetically lent me the vision that I was part of the grand story written with the lives of two people. It made me want to lavish love upon my husband.
As I made my way through the book, I became disconcerted in chapter six. It is all about an enemy of our marriage. I fully believe there is one. The problem for me was that it encouraged people who were feeling under attack from the enemy to renounce any agreements and speak against said enemy. That may sound well and good, but there is a problem. No matter what is coming against us, be it the spirit of condemnation or pride or anything else, we still chose to make the agreement. That does not leave us in need of renouncing. It leaves us in need of repentance before a holy God. Your time would be better spent asking the Lord to rebuke anything that comes against you while you repent on your face and ask God to make your heart agree with His. I also cannot recommend the books that were recommended in the chapter or the quote from Carl Jung.
The rest of the book was well written. The focus was on prayer and the power we are given as two people united under God. It definitely made me feel more a part of something mythic in proportion. It made me feel that my marriage mattered. I think it is a great place to start if you are looking for material for your marriage. If for nothing else, this book will comfort you to see two people who still don't have it together after 25 years. The beauty is that they are trying. Are you?
This book was provided by Waterbrook Mutlnomah for review.
I'm getting ready to read Captivating again. Brings back memories of good times!