A Study on Hosea

I am currently writing a bible study on Hosea, my second book, so many can understand the grace that led us to begin Gomer's house. Please be in prayer for this. I am including day one in this post so that you can get a glimpse of the beauty of God's redeeming love. You are beautiful. Tucked deep inside the story of Hosea is a love letter to all of us. Throughout His word and the history of His people, God has written a deeply extravagant letter to us. Continually weaved through the pages of of time and captured in the lives of those who have turned to Christ we see the beauty of God's redemptive grace laid bare for us. There in lies a picture of the pursuit that is by its very nature as delicate as it is fierce. May you not walk away from this study with a head full of exegetical knowledge and no heart. My hope is that this reminds us to love. As surely as we have received the letter of Christ through grace, we have become it to others. "You show that you are a lette...