No Contingent Love

This Blog is updated each Tuesday. This picture is the bridge where Don Piper says he died and went to heaven in his book Ninety Minutes in Heaven . It's right here in Trinity, Texas. I wonder about his story as I stare down the path as thought the Holy Spirit were still waiting there to tell someone else a profound mystery. Do I know if Don's vision was true? No. I do know, however, that it made him grateful. That's where I am at right now. I am grateful. I stared at a picture from the New Orleans' mission trip and it made me thank God. There were concrete steps leading up to a house that wasn't there. Can you imagine? I don't have a home and I am grateful. Leaning on the generosity and kindness of the saints is a truly humbling thing. He has called us to pursue something though. There are times in my life that things I have loved have gotten ruined or lost. People have been taken away. Those times of loss change us. The letting go is a spiritual experience. ...