A Writer's Callous
Alright, baby photo below. Quit emailing me! ;-)

Writing is a choice medium in my relationship with God. I love to prayer journal. I pour out thanks for every minute that I get to spend doing it. In last weeks post I told you that God broke my Mac so I would spend some time alone with Him (then I can have it back in January). Shortly thereafter the enemy came in telling me that I was never going to get another computer and that I was not fit for the task ahead of me. I told these lies (of the enemy) to my husband and just voicing them left me feeling more free. God brought to mind that Scripture that says the devil goes to accuse us before the Father. I decided to turn the tables and do it to him. I sat there for an hour journaling and telling God all the lies the enemy had told me. I wrote out all of the ways God has answered prayer and blessed our family. Then I asked God to shame him to bring glory to Himself for His faithfulness. The next day I had a certified letter with a check in it...exactly the amount I needed.
Please be in prayer for Kyle Sherrill. He was born 4 months premature last week. His dad, John, wrote one of my favorite worship songs, Beautiful Jesus. Pray. Donate. Encourage. http://www.prayforkyle.com/
Update from "The Cup": Last week, Anne and I went to share a cup of joe at our local coffee shop. Of course someone interesting came up to us and asked us to vote for him for a city position. I asked him jokingly if he was going to do a good job. He looked at me and told me that he really didn't know anything about it and only wanted it because it was high profile and it would be good for his business. I stared at him wondering if he just swallowed some truth serum. Anne says, "what more do you want...your name is on this pen." I could bleed this dry of cheesy spiritual applications, but I digress.
I know all of you fans of Laomai will be disappointed because I didn't get any pictures of her taken yet this week. To appease you I found a picture of a random baby on the Internet.

Below: For all you who complained that the above baby did not appease them.
are you are writer!? I just love Jesus! Did you get my card with the wax seal? I saw there is some new movie out called Jane Austen Book Club. We'll have to see it. I'll meet you halfway!
And yes, let's meet to see the movie - that would be a blast! I'm only about an hour & a half from Waco.
I love Jesus too! And you too!
love the baby photo!!
Anne, we can exchange wax seals this Christmas! This all makes me want to go buy fancy stationary.
I am writing this in the car on my fancy new iphone. Terribly fun.
Laomai is absolutely beautiful! Thank you for sharing her pictures with us each week!