A Pregnant Pause

In the last few months I have realized a few things I never want to do as a representative of the female body of Christ. I pray these over myself and all women as I realize the extreme power of the spoken word. 1. May I never spit in the face of God and complain unceasingly about the painful curse of childbirth and lose sight of the miracle of being allowed to bring forth life into this world. 2. May I never discourage a woman from her desire to keep God's command to be fruitful and multiply by constantly being negative about the gift of parenting. 3. May I never discourage a woman from doing what she feels is the healthiest thing for her baby. My prayer is to love, encourage, pray over and see my sisters through the beautiful journey of motherhood. I am thankful for and encouraged by all the women who encourage me in godliness and simple love of family. Thank you. My prayer for you today is that you speak blessing and refrain from cursing with negative speech.