Patina~Front Cover

The publisher sent me this cover for review and approval. What are your thoughts?


Anonymous said…
I get the second copy!

I love it! I love the rocks and the symbolize that can be read into their formation based on the definition of Patina!
Melissa said…
I think its lovely!

We may have to wrestle over that first copy! ;-)
Melissa said…
oy- my bad. I thought that was Emily's comment. Denbigh can have the first copy- but I've got dibs on #2! said…
ha.ha. I was wondering how it would play out - you and Denbigh wrestling. Maybe we could have the match at church.

Thanks for the encouragement. I am truly excited!
Anonymous said…
Melissa, if you wear the loin cloth and/or the spandex tomorrow, I'll be glad to wrestle you for copy two! said…
Wow~this is getting out of hand.
suzi said…
beautiful, stephi! i'll stay out of this match and just take number 3. ;) said…
I'd avoid the match as well. These people are getting outfits!

Thank you for saying it is beautiful. said…
I'd avoid the match as well. These people are getting outfits!

Thank you for saying it is beautiful.

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